Soflens Multi – Focal

Unique lens design allows all day comfort and easy handling. Exceptional vision on any kind of distance at any time.
 Check stock and availability 02/3060930
Delivery date: The deadline for delivery of the lenses is 5 weeks
Manufacturer: Bausch & Lomb
Brand: SofLens
ден 3.390,00

Unique lens design allows all day comfort and easy handling. Exceptional vision on any kind of distance at any time. Soflens Multi-Focal contact lenses should be cleaned and stored after each use, and replaced every month.

Products specifications
Usage instructions Daily use / monthly replacement
Packaging 6 pcs in the box
Material Polymacon
Water content 38,6%
Production technology Cast Molding
Diametar 14.5 mm
Center thikness 0.10 mm (-3.00D)
Base Curve (BC) 8.5 mm / 8.8 mm
Power +6.00D to -10.00D (on 0.25D) steps
Addition Low (to +1.5D) / High (from +1.75D to + 2.50D)


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